My predictions of how things will be after COVID-19
When there is a problem in the country, it is to the benefit of a few. The COVID-19 has become a toothache to the world, businesses are shut down, streets are empty, airports are closed, railway stations are like ghost towns, the usual bustling cities of the world from New York to London down to Lagos where I live appears to have had some sort of biblical rapture take away everyone, but we know that’s not the case.
This is not the first time such pandemic has hit the world, but for most of us alive today, this is the first time we are seeing this a thing. Researchers are working to find the vaccine. Markets are confused, nobody knows or understands the situation. The level of uncertainty and fear is on the rise every day. It is an unprecedented time.
Only a fool will think the coronavirus will come and go and everything will just go back to normal. Even though some things will more or less remain the same but almost every other thing will experience a tremendous change from the way we work, the way we interact with people, the way we do businesses, it will impact all spheres of life.
So here are my predictions of how things will change after the coronavirus scare passes
by Nigeria, I am largely referring to the people
firstly, I would like to state that contrary to people’s expectations, The Nigerian government will not change, the Nigerian government will not change…. At least not yet. I have been reading stories online these past few weeks, and people are hopeful that the government will learn lessons from this pandemic and sit up to provide for her people, address issues facing the healthcare, roads, etc. But as the saying goes, “you don’t start to learn to use your left hand at old age” this is the best description for people in power in Nigeria. This also is a piece of good news in a way. According to reports released, Africa is minting millionaires fast, of the 40 African billionaires, Nigerians take up eleven spots in the list that is almost 28% of the list, the number of USD millionaires in Nigeria will experience the fastest growth rate in the world 16.3% annually over the next five years. Despite the economic quagmire which Nigeria finds itself in, the country is still primed to produce more millionaires in the next 5 years. With the normal government’s reluctance to provide basic amenities for its people, citizens have taken it upon themselves to provide the solutions, hence creating value which will lead to more money. Government negligence is thus a blessing in disguise for some people.

People will lose jobs. A river does not flow through the forest without bringing down trees. Considering how religious we are as Nigerians, we always pray against misfortunes, but this is inevitable. Even though it is bad and nobody wants it. Businesses are already closing down every day, staff are already being laid off, salaries are being slashed here and there. Employers cannot meet up, HRs are having tough times making critical decisions.
So it is important to brace up for this.
Online businesses will thrive/ Have an online presence I mentioned how people’s lifestyle will change after this season, at least a portion of Nigerians especially the big money spenders will try as much as possible to avoid public places, organizations will control how staffs move, there will be many restrictions. People will want to do businesses online, purchasing food, groceries, clothes, office equipment and other usable. The question for business people, especially the small and medium scale businesses, is “do you have sufficient online presence?” Instagram, Facebook, websites.
This is also a good development for website developers, people who have digital marketing skills, for social media influencers.

Demand for professionals will be high. In the introduction above, I stated that there will be a mass layoff of staff, while that is true, there will also be a huge demand for very skilled workers/ professionals. Companies will lookout to recruit people who can do more, people who can provide solutions. Nigeria is a country over 200 million people where skill is in a great shortage. Lagos a city of over 20 million people, most times it takes effort to find a person with enough skills to provide solutions needed for work.
Learn a new skill, in my former article, I wrote about learning a new skill, but I would like to reiterate that point, this is the best time to learn a new skill, you can learn a new language, learn graphic design, digital marketing, programming language, video production, photography. The best time to learn these things is NOW. Get certifications in Finance (ACCA, ICAN, CFA).
a stitch in time they say saves nine, if you still think all will be the same after this pandemic, perhaps you should have a rethink so you can position yourself or your business to maximise the opportunity.
please remember to always stay safe, wash hands regularly, if you must go out, endeavour to wear your face masks.